Passive Shoulder Shrug Test
A special test for ruling out thoracic outlet syndrome
The Passive Shoulder Shrug test is a special test designed to rule out thoracic outlet syndrome in patients with symptoms consistent with TOS1. The passive movement of this maneuver is designed to slacken the soft tissues/brachial plexus, which should relieve TOS symptoms1.
- Patient positioned seated with arms folded
- Clinician stands behind patient
- Clinician grasps patient’s elbows and passively elevates the shoulders superiorly and anteriorly
- Hold for 30 sec
- Ask patient about changes in symptoms
No diagnostic accuracy studies have been performed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of this test
Dutton M. Dutton’s Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention. 5th ed. McGraw Hill Education; 2020.
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Yomogida N, Kerstein C. Passive Shoulder Shrug
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